What is it about?

Welcome to Picturesque Planet. 

This website basically mirrors my two main passions. Traveling and photography, a perfect match as I found out. When I headed out into the world in 2010 I didn't care much about photography. Back then I just bought the cheapest digicam I could find to simply document my travels. But shortly after I returned from my first trip I wasn't really satisfied with the results. The often blurry and shaky photos didn't do justice to all those great moments I have encountered on the road. I needed a proper camera and even more important I had to learn how to take better pictures. 

Since the day I bought my first DSLR in late 2011 my photography skills grew continuously as my camera kit did, too. After numerous trips to more than 50 countries and thousands of photos taken I am happy to share those with you here. Sit back, have a coffee and enjoy the beauty of our planet and places you may have never heard of. 


Get inspired!

Christian Melcher


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